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The Persistent March Forward for Diversity and Inclusion

Taking place on 20th March 2024, Sonia Tanda, Business Development Director, had the privilege of joining Head of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion at Penna, and Head of Diversity nominee Alexis Curtis-Harris to the British Diversity Awards 2024. As she reflects on the night, Sonia takes a look at the ongoing journey towards true inclusivity, and the collective effort needed to shape a more balanced world.

Recently, I had the remarkable privilege of attending the British Diversity Awards with Alexis Curtis-Harris as our nominee for the Head of Diversity Award.

Alexis has been a driving force for advancing equality, diversity, and inclusivity (EDI), and her shortlisting at the prestigious awards speaks volumes about her dedication and the impact she is making. She has been instrumental in guiding Penna through its own EDI evolution, and our clients have deeply appreciated her insights and challenges which have significantly contributed to their own progress in creating diverse and inclusive workspaces. She is transforming recruitment marketing, and breaking down barriers with grace and determination. I felt an immense sense of pride in the strides being made towards a more inclusive industry and attending the awards with Alexis was a celebration of this triumph.

It’s been just a short while since the awards, and my thoughts continuously circle back to the evening. It was not just a celebration of achievements but a stark reminder of the work that remains in front of us in our professional spaces and the broader societal expanse where disparities continue to exist.

Each person who stood on stage and shared their journey, challenges, learnings and victories, underscores the impact of persistence and to keep going and driving meaningful change. There was a sense of collective acknowledgement, there’s a continuous path to tread, one that is often steep and challenging. The journey towards true inclusivity continues to be an evolving process, demanding consistent effort and an unwavering commitment to progress.

Every narrative that unfolded on the night was about that march forward in dismantling barriers and guiding us towards a more inclusive world, aiding larger movements towards inclusivity. I thank Alexis and all the nominees who are reminding us of the vital truth, resilience and courage needed for diversity and inclusion to be more than policies and a set of rules, it must be the heartbeat of any organisation.

The awards were not just an endpoint for celebration but a confluence of beginnings. Beginnings of conversations that will shape the future, initiatives that will redefine the corporate landscape, and partnerships that will bridge divides. Alexis’s story, much like the other nominees, is illuminating the way for those who will follow in their footsteps, each stride contributing to a broader, more inclusive march forward.

As I turn these reflections into actions, I’m sharing this vital message with everyone so that we all share this collective journey towards diversity and inclusion. Our actions today shape the inclusive societies of tomorrow. I encourage you to reach out, engage in dialogue and let’s be the change-makers and dare to dream of a balanced world and have the courage to make it a reality.

Whilst our work is within the recruitment landscape, we are open to diverse conversations so do drop a comment and get in touch. Let’s keep EDI at the forefront and keep learning from each other.

Alexis Curtis-Harris is Head of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion at Penna. Sonia Tanda is Business Development Director at Penna. Connect with our team now to find out how we can help you with your recruitment and EDI needs.


Alexis Curtis-Harris – Head of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion


LinkedIn: Alexis Curtis-Harris



Sonia Tanda – Business Development Director

LinkedIn: Sonia Tanda



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